Stop the excessive shedding!

Stop the excessive shedding!

Wild Salmon Oil (Omega 3: 30%).

Omega 3 fatty acids are a necessity, not an option, for optimal health

A shiny fur and a healthy skin are the most visible indicators of the health state of our dog or cat. A complete and balanced diet is what keeps them healthy, and from this diet Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids should not miss.

The essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the body and must be supplemented from the diet, being further on metabolized by the organism. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the two types of essential fatty acids that should not miss form your pet’s diet. Although traditional nutrition science does not focus on the importance of fatty acids supplements, recent studies show their increased importance in maintaining an optimal health state.
The right amount of Omega 3 from the diet is very important for the neuronal development and for the harmonious growth of the pups and kittens, for the immune system, as well as in other areas – the cardiovascular system, cholesterol regulation, joint problems, renal and urinary system health, as well as over the quality of the skin and fur (particularly important in case of seborrhea, dermatitis or other skin problems)

The main Omega 3 fatty acids are ALA (Alphalinolenic Acid), EPA (Eicosapentanoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexanoic Acid).
Dogs can convert ALA into EPA and DHA only within certain limits, depending also on the source of the Omega 3 acids (vegetable or animal).
Cats, on the other hand, do not have the capacity to convert ALA into EPA and DHA, so in their case all fatty acids must be provided the diet.

The most important Omega 6 fatty acids are LA (Linoleic Acid) and AA (Arachidonic Acid). Just like with the Omega 3 fatty acids, dogs can convert LA into AA, while cats cannot, so they must also be supplemented from the diet. As a note, in both cases, the conversion is limited, hence in order to reach the right amount, all types of essential fatty acids must be provided in the diet if we want what is best for our pet

Many of the industrial food types claim that they include Omega 3 (in various amounts), but the main source of it is vegetable (ALA is of vegetable source) and the conversion into the other fatty acids, with longer chain, is limited. This is the main reason for which we need to keep an eye on the right amount of each type of acid and not just say “it has some Omega 3 and 6, it is good enough”. Also, the ratio Omega 3:Omega 6 is very important.

Modern agriculture and industrialization introduced in our diet (and in our pets’ diet as well) a too high amount of Omega 6 fatty acids.
The typical modern human diet contains app. 10 times more Omega 6 acids than Omega 3 ones (similar ratio for pets as well).
However, the recommended ratio is of 5:1, not of 10:1, because a too high amount of Omega 6 fatty acids can enhance the inflammatory processes and accentuate illnesses, particularly when we talk about skin problems, joint sufferings and kidney diseases.

Concluding all of the above, we must remember the following – the essential fatty acids are extremely important for the well-being of the body and that they must be provided from the diet, because the body can only convert and synthesize a very limited at all (or none, in certain cases such as the cats). Second, the ratio of Omega 6:Omega 3 must be at most 5:1 to benefit the organism.
Third, the source of the fatty acids is very important, because the animal source fatty acids need less conversion, if any at all, while the plant derived fatty acids can have only limited use and impact. Moreover, when we speak of Omega 3 acids from animal source, which means mostly fish, it is highly preferable to choose wild fish over farmed one, because it does not contain any toxic element (pesticides, antibiotics, colouring agents and so on).